10 Quilting Goals for 2019

I think of January 1st as my business’ birthday. New Years Day 2018 is the day I announced publicly that I was going to start this business. I didn’t make my website public, or release my first post until January 12th, and I had been working on those first few posts since November 2017, but January 1st is significant in the life of the business, and seems like a fitting birthday.
I started by listing my 2018 goals, and I finished the year with a look back at what I had accomplished, including lots of photos of my progress. It seems like a good idea to start each new year with a list of goals, so here we go for 2019.
In 2019 I want to…
1. Clean out the scrap bin!
It’s overflowing (again!) and I think this needs to be the first goal I tackle this year. I have lots of ideas for tutorials to write, so you too can empty out your scrap box and use up all those little bits of fabric that are too big to throw away.

2. Write 2 patterns.
Sell the patterns. Increase pattern sales.
I wrote the On Point Quilt Pattern and released it November 1st, 2018. The quilt looks like this and you can find the pattern HERE.

This goal is a little bit of a freebie.
I’ve already written Hexie in a Hexie and sent it off to friends for pattern testing. I’ve gotten back their thoughts and feedback, and am currently making final edits. Hexie in a Hexie should be out in the next week or two.

Sweet Pea will be my third pattern, and it is also already in the works. I made this quilt in two sizes, the baby quilt went to a friend in November, and the throw size is staying home with me. I was inspired by a bouquet of farmer’s market flowers, and I wanted to keep a little of the spring and summer with me all year. While the quilt was the easiest (most beginner friendly) of my three patterns to make, it’s the one I’ve had the most trouble with formatting in the pattern, but it’s in the works and should be off to testers soon.

So, as you can see, two patterns released is a goal that is almost already completed. Right now, my patterns are for sale on Etsy, and you can get to my shop here, but I also want to set up a shop directly on my website. Hopefully this year, although it’s not exactly one of my 2019 goals.
I have three more patterns rolling around in my imagination. They may or may not be published in 2019, but they are definitely coming. Now, I don’t want to be only a pattern writer. I want to continue the blog with tutorials (which are basically free patterns) as well.
3. Monetizing the blog.
No, I’m not going to get pushy or try to sell you things. But placing ads correctly, affiliate marketing, etc. will help me to earn money, which is the whole point of a small business. I’ve been approved for Google Adsense, but I know I have some optimizing to do.
I want to be very careful to not only focus on how to make money. I started this blog with quilting and sewing tutorials that are free for everyone. Others’ tutorials are how I have taught myself new skills, and I want to continue that tradition.
4. Take a quilting class.
I think this goal will double up with an unfinished 2018 goal, and I will take a free motion quilting class from one of my local quilt shops. I’m lucky that I live in an area where I have so many shops to choose from.
5. Visit a quilt shop I’ve never been to before.
This might need to be an annual goal. Shop hopping was more fun when my mom lived nearby, but I’m sure I can come up with something fun to go check out.
6. Sew something that isn’t a quilt.
My friend Erica makes all sorts of amazing garments. I want to give that a try! I have no plan at this time for what I will make, although I do have a pajama pants pattern gathering dust in a drawer somewhere.
7. Make a Temperature Quilt.
I discovered a popular quilt trend last year called a Temperature Quilt, and I really want to make one. Each block shows the high and low temperatures for the day, and the finished quilt is a rainbow of colors. Rather than start January 1, 2019, and continue on day at a time until December 31st, I think I’ve decided to do 1981 instead. The year I was born seems more significant than 2019, although who really knows what this year has in store for me. I have a January birthday, so really, I can follow along month by month as if I was doing the current year. Anyone else want to join along? It would be a lot of fun to see how temperatures play out throughout the year across the globe. These are the fabrics I’m planning to use.

8. Make a mystery quilt.
I got to do one of these several years ago, that my mom put together for me. She picked out a pattern in a magazine, and took me shopping for fabric without allowing me to see the pattern. It was equal parts fun and frustrating, and I really enjoyed it. The photo is below, and all I knew as I was picking out fabrics was that I needed blocks (blues and greens), sashing (white) and background (blue and green print). There are all sorts of mystery patterns that happen online as a quiltalong, where each clue is released one at a time. I’m sure I’ll find one to do.

9. Make a New York Beauty Quilt.
This was actually a 2018 goal that just didn’t happen. Too many other quilts to make, and it kept getting pushed down the to-do list. This year is the year!
10. Grow the business.
Build fans on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. Increase subscribers. I don’t know how to do these things. If I did, I would have already. But I’m on it! As my loyal readers, if you haven’t done so already, come follow me in all the places.
I {currently} have the same profile photo across all the social media, so I should be pretty easy to find.

That looks like a good list to me! Lots of different types of quilting, and some non-sewing, business building type goals. I think I’m ready to take on the New Year! What are your goals for 2019? What steps will you take to tackle your first goal?

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Candy Ross
Hi Darcy, I love that you’re conbining quilting and garment sewing into your 2019 goals. I do a lot of formal wear when I’m not quilting. I find it breaks up the monotony, especially if I’m stuck on a frustrating quilting project. I’m new to your blog but find you a kindred spirit. I’m looking forward to following your blog this year.
Candy Ross
Thanks Candy! I’m excited to give it a try!
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful!
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