Free Quilt Pattern Update – More Sizes – The Beachy Quilt
Today is quilt pattern release day! Even better, is the fact that this is a FREE quilt pattern update!

Free Quilt Pattern
The Beachy Quilt Pattern has been available to all newsletter subscribers for several years now. This is the pattern that is emailed out to all first time newsletter subscribers.
The pattern is named Beachy because the original quilt I made was lots of blues and sandy tans and it reminded me of the beach.

Updated – More Sizes
But, the original Beach Quilt Pattern was written for only one small quilt size.

This free quilt pattern update solves that problem!
Beachy is now available in 5 sizes, from a small throw to a King size bed quilt.

Updated – Scraps, Yardage and Jelly Roll Strips
While the original Beachy Quilt Pattern only had directions based on using scraps, this free quilt pattern update includes jelly rolls, cutting strips from yardage and still has scrappy directions as well.

Make it Scrappy
Now, because I don’t follow directions well, and even though I JUST wrote an updated quilt pattern, when it came time to sew it up, I threw the directions out the window and did my own thing.
Yes, I used strips. And I cut some of the 2½” by 3½” scraps the pattern calls for.

But, because I was using up scraps, I also made use of what I had and that meant cutting some pieces that were other sizes too.

See? Rule breaker. Direction unfollower.
I cut some of the floral fabrics into larger rectangles, to better show off the flowers. They measure the same size as the 4-patches in the pattern. These fabrics are the leftovers from the fat quarter bundle of Ladybird Fabric that I used to make the Carillon Quilt.
And, I cut some of the smaller pieces of fabric into 1½” strips.

I sewed these skinnier strips into pairs and then sub cut them at 2”.

Sewing these little pairs into 4-patches makes them 2½” by 3½” which is the same size as the scrappy directions in the pattern

This way, I was able to use what I had, and modify the pattern to fit my needs.

Now, the details about where to find the free quilt pattern update for Beachy…
If you are already a newsletter subscriber, this free quilt pattern was emailed to you this morning. Go check your inbox, it’s there!
If you are not yet a newsletter subscriber, you can find the pattern at the Beachy Pattern link. You will need to enter your email address. And, you might want to stick around because the Darcy Quilts Newsletter is fantastic. It’s infrequent. And full of great quilting info and exclusive sales.
But, if you don’t want to be a newsletter subscriber, I totally get it. Enter your email address. Download the pattern. And then unsubscribe. No hard feelings. Not one hard feeling. Really.

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Pamela Anslem
OOOOHHHH! I’m having visions of crumb blocks!! Thank you for the pattern!!
I’m so glad you like the quilt pattern! It’s definitely a good one for scraps.
Lynnette Peters
Just love your Beachy quilt in your original color. I love the beach 🏖
I love this pattern and your tips to use smaller scraps as well! Thank you!
Donna, I’m so glad to hear you like the pattern! Thank you!!
Donna S.
This will be great for making quilts for the Children’s Home! We try to make use of everything! Thank you!
That’s such a great place to donate quilts!
I am a subscriber and I didn’t receive your free pattern which I really want to try. I resubscribed as you suggested and I still didn’t get it. Help!
Carol, I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble accessing the pattern. I’m going to manually add the email address listed with this comment and that should solve the problem.
I enjoyed reading your blog. I thought it was so funny that you threw out your own directions and this scrappy quilt is my favorite of the two! Thank you for this mini-tutorial and pattern.
Yes, I felt a little ridiculous going off pattern as I was writing the pattern! But I certainly wasn’t going to let any fabric scraps go to waste. I didn’t want to write the scraps into the pattern because I wanted to keep it jelly roll friendly since so many quilters like precuts.
I have lots of scraps and love this pattern. Unfortunately I did not receive this pattern. I would love it if you could please send it to me. Thank you
Hi Joan, as I mentioned in my reply to your other comment, you will need to subscribe to the newsletter in order to receive the pattern. You had been subscribed but then unsubscribed last fall and I don’t have the ability to re-subscribe you.
Joan Warlow
I have lots of scraps and love this pattern. Unfortunately I did not receive this pattern. I would love it if you could please send it to me. Thank you
Hi Joan, it looks like you had unsubscribed from the newsletter email list last October. I do not have the ability to re-subscribe you as that could be considered spam (even though it’s not spam in this case since you asked me to do it, the program that hosts the email list won’t allow me to do it) so you will need to re-subscribe to the newsletter in order to receive the pattern. Of course, you can always unsubscribe again after downloading the pattern.
Hello Darcy,
I love your patterns. I have been reading your blog for a long time. I would really appreciate the free Beachy and 9 Patch Quilt patterns. I re enrolled but still have not received the patterns in my email. Could you please send it to me. Thank you so much.
Eve Shaw
I’ve been an admirer of your work for years! You are truly an inspiration to so many quilters!
Thanks for the kind words Eve!
I,too, did not receive this great pattern. I’ve never unsubscribed, but re-subscribed just in case. I’d love to have the pattern!