2024 Quilting Goals Review
I would like to tell you that I had a plan for 2024 and that everything went exactly according to that plan. But I think you can tell from this first paragraph of my goals for 2024 from back in January that I didn’t start strong:
Some years writing quilting goals comes easy, and other years it’s a bit of a stretch. As I start typing this, I don’t have a plan for my 2024 quilting goals, but I’m confident that the more I type, the more they will come together.
Yikes! Nothing says a successful quilting goals review quite like not having much of a plan in the first place!
Virtually nothing went according to plan in 2024, and while there was a loss that I wish hadn’t occurred, and some really hard things that I also wish hadn’t happened, there was a lot of good too, and I think I’m ending the year in a decent place, so let’s take a look at how those quilting goals went.
Goal 1: Consistency
I wanted to build consistency to avoid burnout.
Failed on all counts.
I spent several weeks unable to quilt due to injury, followed by house hunting, purchasing, packing and moving, all of which significantly impacted my quilting time.
Shockingly, (not shockingly!) it is hard to be consistent writing about quilting when doing less quilting.
I’ve developed a good rhythm for weekly newsletters, and if you aren’t already a newsletter subscriber, you should join today! There’s exclusive content and sales you don’t want to miss out on.
Goal 2: Quilting for Fun
I joined the Made and Found Quiltalong on a whim back in February and it was fun to sew without agenda. I’ll have a tutorial for you early in the new year with the finished quilt and the setting of the blocks.

I also started a new quilt, when I should have been packing my apartment, and it will be a tutorial in the new year, but it was the distraction I needed it to be when grieving an old friend a few weeks later.

The National Sew a Jelly Roll Day in September did not occur at a convenient time this year, but I also knew that it was in my best interest to set grief and all chores aside for a weekend and sew to my hearts’ content.
I sewed up a new version of Beachy in jewel tones and a dark background and I’m really happy with how it turned out!

Goal 3: Six Quilt Patterns
Ahahahaha! I planned for six quilt patterns and only completed two.
Domingo is a Stained Glass Window Quilt, I’ve been thinking about making another scrappier version, we’ll see if that makes it onto my to-quilt list this winter or not.

Falling Stars is a friendship star quilt pattern and I especially love the brighter Christmas version. There was a mishap during washing, but I’m excited to learn how and to test out different ways of removing dye so that I can share the best and most successful with you in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed I can get all of the dye out because it is a beautiful quilt!

Goal 4: Use Solids
This goal is in progress, I’m using solids for the 2024 Quiltville Mystery Old Town.

Goal 5: Quilt Along
I didn’t even think once about the quilt along all year. Maybe in 2025?
Goal 6: Scraps
I worked some with scraps, but still have an overflowing scrap bin. It’s a never ending problem!
I made a string quilt from scraps and wrote a tutorial.

I made my Made and Found blocks extra scrappy, sometime using more than double the number of pieces per block to use up some scraps. Here are a few of the 42 blocks total.

I didn’t do much scrappy quilting because I didn’t do as much quilting overall in
Overall, not the best year, but not the worst. I am looking forward to 2025 and to quilting and crafting in 2025. Check back tomorrow to see my goals for next year!
Happy New Year!
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I too have had a challenging and disappointing year as far as quilting and crafting goes. This year I’m not setting any particular goals. I will work on what I fancy and perhaps I can complete projects. I think, by reading other blog comments, lots of other people have had this mode. A new page on the calendar gives a renewed energy (hopefully). We will all turn back into “quilting and crafting fanatics” at some point! No worries! Have a Happy New Year 🙂
I love your plan Judith, maybe no goals will actually lead to more crafting because the pressure is off.