A Summer of Sewing Projects
I accepted a new job today! This will be old news by the time I get this written, edited and all of the photos uploaded, but right now it seems like a big, freaking deal!
Woah, woah, woah, you say? No, I’m not leaving Darcy Quilts behind. I love what I do here, giving you free quilting tutorials, attempting to infuse my personality into each post, and writing and selling patterns. I’m not going anywhere.
It would be ah-may-zing if blogging was my full-time job. I’m still working towards that being a possibility someday. But for now, I quilt and write before and after work, and on the weekends. I still have to work for the man Monday to Friday.
After 12 years in one position, it was time to leave and find something new. I timed it right, used up vacation time, and got myself nearly a month of “vacation” in between leaving the last position and starting the new one, and I managed to make it happen during the summer!
While I’ve wasted a lot of time here and there in the last 4 weeks, I’ve also done a lot of sewing and quilting and that’s what I am here to share with you today!
Knowing I needed some time to decompress before finding a new job, most of what I worked on this summer has not been writing patterns or tutorials, but following other people’s patterns and tutorials and just sewing for fun. I knew I needed the mental break to sew for fun, while not stressing my creativity any further than asking “does this fabric/color go with that fabric/color?” My mind is still spinning about quilt patterns I want to write, but for today, what I have to share with you did not spring from my own ideas.
I had the opportunity to pattern test the Camellia quilt for The Little Pine Needle. This is a beautifully written pattern and a stunning quilt! I can’t give you the measurements or numbers of the pieces that I cut, as that would give away her pattern, but look at all these fun building blocks!

I really enjoyed making these flying geese. I love flying geese quilts, and I normally use the 4 at a time method, to save time and to reduce waste. You can find a Flying Geese tutorial HERE. This time, the pattern was written to make the geese one at a time, and I really enjoyed doing it this way, so that I can could get a really scrappy background.

This quilt came together much faster than I expected, and I really enjoyed putting together each of the different types of building blocks. It was fun to chain piece a handful of one type of block, and then switch to another color combination or other building block.

I’m really happy with how my scrappy background turned out, although I would leave out the polka dot if I could do it over. I like the polka dot, but it just doesn’t blend as well as the others. Here is a close up view of the quilt too.

I’m also really happy with my new set up for photographing large quilts in my little house. I used two hangers with clips, pushed the table out of the way and hung the quilt from the loft.

I also wanted to tidy up different parts of my house, and get better organized. I went looking for fabric basket tutorials on Pinterest and stumbled across this tutorial by Lily Ella. What I love most about her tutorial is that after she walks you through the process of actually making the boxes, she then gives the measurements for how to make a box of any dimensions 1” to 100”.
Since I wanted to fill in these spaces under an old Ikea coffee table doing duty as an entertainment stand, I knew I had funny measurements 7” tall by 11” wide by 18” deep and I love how they turned out! The whole living room looks tidier now, because I was able to use not only the front 8” of those shelves, but the full 18” of depth.

I did take the time to write some tutorials for you as well, and those are coming soon. Making a New York Beauty quilt has long been on my quilting to do list, and I tackled that project first this summer. Right now, only the blocks are made, as this is a baby quilt for a baby that’s due in November. Once I had the blocks made, I set them aside so that I could focus on the projects that would help me to have blog posts in August and September. This quilt needs to be gifted to the baby’s mom and dad before I can share it with you, so you can expect to see this block in a quilt (with a full tutorial on how to work with curves!!!) after the baby shower this fall.

And, in less exciting but super practical news, I spent part of the summer repairing a couple of pairs of pants for my dad and have written that up as a tutorial as well. That tutorial (with photos and step by step directions) will be out in early September.
I also snuck in two mini vacations to visit family, deep cleaned my house, read several books out in the backyard and visited my 10th baseball stadium. Not bad for four weeks of “vacation.”
I’ve re-learned the value of recreation time, as well as decompressing time. I know that the need to always be creating new content, for you my readers, can be problematic for my Type-A self. I need to sew because it’s fun and I need to not forget that.
What projects have you been up to this summer?
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Beautiful quilt. I wish I had time for sewing right now. Tonight starts soccer practice and I am the assistant coach for my 11 year old sons team. YAY! Good luck with your new job.
Thanks Holly! Coaching soccer sounds like fun too! (Until the rain starts)