DIY Adorable Journals – The Perfect Homemade Gift
This post is not about quilts! Or sewing of any kind! Today I’m going to share my journal with you! No, not like that! You can’t read my diary. That would be wrong. But also (and mostly) because I don’t…
How to Sew Curves- The New York Beauty Quilt Tutorial
Making a New York Beauty quilt (and, therefore, a New York Beauty Quilt Tutorial) has long been a dream of mine. When I started this blog in January 2018, I took it from the dream world and made it a…
Blitz Quilt Pattern for Scrappy or Ombre Fabrics
This quilt pattern came out of nowhere, but that’s not why I named it Blitz – more on the name later! If you are looking for the pattern and don’t want to read through the post to the links at…
Looking for the Perfect Homemade Gift? This Potholder Tutorial is Quick and Easy!
I really don’t like knick-knacks and other dust collectors. They take up space. They serve no purpose. I make an exception for holiday decorations, but that is about it. I have a tiny house. It’s perfect for me, but my…
All Your Quilting Questions- Answered
All (or at least, some…) of your quilting questions answered in one place! Affiliate disclaimer- shopping through links on this post will not cost you any extra, but may mean I earn a small commission. I’ve been getting lots of…
Striped Triangles Scrappy Quilt Tutorial
It’s time for another scrappy quilt tutorial! It’s been a goal this year to clean out the scrap box, but even with all of the scrappy sewing I’ve been doing, somehow the box is still full. I don’t know how…